What is Spiritual Counselling?

You probably have a good idea about counselling already, whether it be short-term Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) or longer term psychoanalysis, counselling is valuable to many, helping them to resolve issues they can’t seem to get beyond.

Traditional counselling follows a set process in order to enable you to overcome issues that evoke an emotional response, or help you identify deep seated issues that have affected you since early life.  However, sometimes people have issues relating to their spiritual selves which traditional therapies may not be suitable for.

I wonder how many doctors in the UK would send a patient to counselling if they say they are having a spiritual crisis – I would expect most would point patients at religious leaders such as priests, rabbi’s or imams. But what if you don’t subscribe to a standard religion, or don’t have any links to them, who would you turn to?… a spiritual counsellor, that’s who!

Spiritual counselling looks at why you are feeling ‘lost’ spiritually.  The counsellor should be trained in counselling techniques in order to ensure they are giving you the best support possible.  They will use that training to help you to understand your spiritual beliefs and motivations in a non-judgemental way.  They won’t preach ‘their truth’ to you, but will help you to find that truth from within yourself.

Spiritual counsellors must be impartial.  It is highly likely that they hold their own belief system however, they should not impose that belief upon you, only support you in developing your own beliefs based on your inner truth.  If you want a structured belief system which is documented and clearly defined, a religious leader is probably your best option.

So, what will you get from a spiritual counsellor?  Clarity of thought and support through your thoughts and feelings about your spiritual journey, helping you to understand the questions you are asking, in order to find the answers that are right for you now.  The key phrase through all of this is ‘what is right for you now’ – it could be that your views change over time and through experience which is absolutely fine, that is your journey and it should be supported.

With a spiritual counsellor you will be able to talk about what might seem to be the most out-there topics, probably things you would never be able to tell you closest friend or family member.   They will likely support you through inner reflection with meditation in order to provide clarity within your mind to organise your thoughts, getting you as close to your inner self as you can be.

Spiritual counselling is a deep experience and requires dedication, openness and honesty.  The right counsellor will help you get there so choose them wisely.  Their professional training will also enable you to be kept safe, so do make sure that they have been trained, check their certification and choose them with care.  If your relationship with your counsellor is not right, you will not be as open as you need to be – don’t forget, you have the right to be comfortable with your counsellor, so ensure you choose wisely.


Jayne Jones

BSc(Hons) Psych (Open), Cert.Couns.Studies