What is Crystal Healing?

Through our ‘evolution’ as human beings, we have forgotten that by listening to our bodies and turning to nature, we can easily provide ourselves with everything that we need.  But, we turn to doctors and scientists to tell us what will fix us, giving them the responsibility for our health and wellbeing, popping pills without a second thought and not even considering how we have broken ourselves.

We spend all our lives in one meat suit.  We don’t have cars or clothes that last that long, yet we constantly feed ourselves toxic food and drink, and run ourselves into the ground without expecting to break down or become frayed at the edges.  Why don’t we take more personal responsibility for ourselves?  It’s because we haven’t been taught to – we are constantly bombarded with medicinal fixes without finding out why we are ‘broken’.

I must add here that I would never suggest that people don’t see their doctor, especially for problems that may need deep investigation, but I do suggest that people consider alternative therapies to learn to listen to their bodies and find out what it is telling them.

I have been interested in alternative therapies for years, having tried many of them, some have resonated with me, and some have not, but I have tried them.  I am not naïve to recognise that some come with their own placebo affect however, I see that as a very positive thing because those undertaking those therapies clearly want improvement, and a healthy mind gifts a healthy body.

All of us have had the experience of feeling low, but feeling better when we do something positive or meet up with a friend.  This temporary suspension of gloom isn’t you just ignoring the negativity, it is your brain’s way of trying to improve its chemical levels to get you into a better state of mind.  Yet we underestimate it and make excuses for what our own body is trying to do – recover.

Osteopathy is one treatment that crosses the boundary of science and alternative therapy, and it is one that I would wholly recommend to get the body realigned and its energy flowing in the right directions.  Once the body is in proper alignment, a next step will make sure that energy flows effortlessly, encouraging balance throughout the mind and the body, and enabling you to listen to what your body is telling you.

So, here I turn to crystal healing.  I have been collecting crystals that attract me for years, and have witnessed the power of spiritual healing which has given me relief from a long term condition which caused cramp in my legs – well, not anymore!  I wanted to expand on spiritual healing to use the magic of nature so I attended a crystal healing course and learnt one technique on how to use crystals to alter the vibration of the body’s chakras (chakras are energy centres in the body which, if out of balance, can cause dis-ease).  Using crystals to re-energise the chakras and bring them back into alignment brings your attention to every part of your physical body.  The training was great but I couldn’t help but think “what about the mind?”

My philosophy is one of wholeness.  Why treat the body and mind separately?  If one is out of balance, the other will suffer.  It makes sense – no one has pain in their body and is happy about it, and no one is depressed while feeling fit and healthy.  One affects the other, which why I have developed a technique which uses crystal healing and relaxation to tackle the mind and body.

The treatment is simple, all the client has to do is lay on a couch, fully clothed and wrapped in a blanket preferred.  The therapist (me) will place crystals on the chakra energy centres of the body, and encourage negative energy out, and positive energy in.  I use a pendulum to test the energy flow so I can check on progress and focus on areas that need more help.  During the session, the client is given breathing exercises and a meditation visualisation to take the mind to a place of stillness, and a place of mental safety, which they can return to in the comfort of their own homes.

Crystal healing and relaxation enables the client to concentrate inwards, while the therapist works on realigning their energy centres.  The treatment is uplifting and will relax any hectic mind, but it may also bring issues that need resolving to the forefront.

Where issues do arise deep from the mind that need resolving, as a trained counsellor I can, in complete confidence, work through those issues with the client to help them to find the best solution for them.  Sometimes it is just about letting go of the issues by talking about them, other times it is about finding the best course of action.

Treatments last up to an hour.  Repeat treatments for crystal healing are recommended no earlier than a month from the last treatment however, should counselling or relaxation sessions be required, they can be booked more frequently.

As you have seen, crystal healing and relaxation can be a deep and transforming experience.  If you are out of balance or just need some time to find your internal self, this therapy could be perfect for you.  Why not give it a try – you have nothing to lose but yourself in a truly deep and relaxing experience.

I look forward to treating you, while you treat yourself.

Love and light,
